keyword blog
A click on any of the following will go somewhere: maybe to a pitch for a Solo Zone book, maybe to some other reference, rant or rave. These reflect my interest in flash fiction and other short forms of communication like my books-in-30-seconds and my two minute stories which I have parked on this site.
- activism of a literary sort
- Alberti, Bart (1940 New York - 2006)
- alcohol -- paying its way
- amending the US Constitution: a proposed Amendment
- America: Saving its ass with a pen
- American Impressionism
- animal emulation
- animist poetry
- art & coffee
- art, contemporary
- art history
- Antwerp [16th century]
- art, traditional martial arts
- artificial intelligence - the AI Tool
- assassination
- assisted suicide
- author's rights in resale
- baseball
- bio-feedback
- biological warfare
- books-in-30-seconds
- Bosse, Henry P. (1844-1903)
- Bruegel, Pieter (c.1525-1569)
- Bubble-free diet
- calories: what, where... how many do you need?
- California: Saving its future: new directions
- Caribbean action
- Cell Fone News
- Cervantes, Miguel (1547-1616)
- Cherkovski, Neeli (b. 1945)
- children
- cloning
- cocaine, now
- cocaine, way back when
- competition
- competitive-relaxation
- conspiracy
- Constitution, amending the US Constitution
- cooking
- copyrights and fair use
- cover artist for Solo Zone Publishing, Sally Larsen
- decisions, making personal judgements - the AI Tool
- design - Form, Function and Finish
- diet, the "bubble-free" diet
- dogs
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
- e_books and the electronic novel
- Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) - the first Jewish Super Hero
- Einstein's Tools
- Elizabeth I of England (1533-1603)
- EMF, electro-magnetic fields
- emulation
- Energy policies - a review
- environmental poetry
- environmental impact of EMF
- Environmentalism - a review
- espionage
- espresso, the art of
- fair use
- Familists, Family of Love
- flash fiction
- furniture - Form, Function and Finish
- games
- Global warming - a review
- gold
- gold photographs
- golf
- Granvelle
- guns
- gun violence in the USA
- Haiku
- Hirschman, Jack - online
- historical fiction
- hyper-context, layers
- HOW-TO Decide
- HOW-TO Write a Book Review
- intellectual property
- Impressionism
- ISBN #s for Solo Zone Books and Stories
- Japan
- Jesuits
- Jumpy Movies
- Kennedy, John F. (JFK, 1917-1963)
- Kindle ebook readers
- Larsen, Sally (b.1954)
- LED: Light Enhanced Design
- Life Span, yours mine theirs...ours
- LONGEVITY: The LONGEVITY Amendment to the US Constitution
- LONGEVITY: the Meaning of LIFE in the Declaration of Independence
- LONGEVITY: Who Lived For How Long?
- Mallon, James
- maps, sixteenth century
- maps, nineteenth century American photography
- martial arts
- metaphysical poetry
- microwaves
- Mississippi River
- Monardes, Nicholas (c.1500-1588)
- motherhood
- Movies Worth Watching More Than Once
- mystery
- Native American
- New York
- Madam Nhu
- Niclaes, Hendrik (c.1502-1580?)
- Ortelius, Abraham (1527-1598)
- orotones
- perfidy, the politics of
- Philip II of Spain (1527-1598)
- philosophy
- photography, Henry P. Bosse
- Plantin, Christopher (1514-1589)
- poetry
- Puritans
- electro-magnetic radiation
- relaxation
- revenge
- review copies of Solo Zone titles
- reviews: posting reviews on-line
- safe sex
- samurai
- San Francisco, North Beach
- sex
- shirts, specifically T-shirts
- sixteenth century
- smuggling
- spiritual poetry
- storytelling, the SPUD, and the electronic novel
- suicide
- sustainable capitalism and publishing
- text-to-speech, the SPUD, and the 21st century novel
- T-shirts
- Twain, Mark (1835-1910)
- Use of Persona to Sell
- Vietnam
- violence
- virtual Charlie
- Wehrenberg, Charles (b.1944)
- women's reproductive rights
- Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900)
- Will Ball